Boy’s best friend

‘Woke up this morning feeling fine, though I’m covered in a little grime . . .’ sang More-Guin* to Zee this morning. Zee looked at More-Guin and smiled, gave him a ginormous hug and promptly swung him around by his wing, bashing him into the side of the cot. That’s when I appeared. ‘Good morning […]

In conversation with my toddler

‘Fa-NA! Fa-NA’ he shouts enthusiastically, pointing at the lighthouse in his What Can You See, Spot? book. ‘Kack-Kack!’  he exclaims gleefully whilst pointing to a duck. ‘YES!’ I agree, ‘Yes! Quack-Quack, duck, that’s right, duck!’ Then he looks serious and shouts ‘Shun, SHUN!’ and I continue to beam as he points at the fat yellow […]